Notable Quotes

What People Are Saying About Life and Times
Under the Reign of
CEO-Governor Rick Scott
"Carbon that took billions of years to form has been released in a geological blink of an eye. Human emissions have grown significantly over the past 200 years, and now exceed 27 billion tons of carbon dioxide, annually. To pretend this isn't having any effect on the 12-mile thin atmosphere overhead is to throw all logic and common sense out the window. It is to believe in scientific superstitions and political fairy tales, about a world where actions have no consequences -- where colorless, odorless gases, the effluence of success and growth, can be waved away with a nod and a smirk. No harm, no foul. Keep drilling."
(A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change)
Paul Douglas, Meteorologist; Author, 'Restless Skies, the Ultimate Weather Book'
... the Norquist pledge is the worst thing ever to hit American politics. We are sacrificing America to stay elected. Without investments in our own house (roads, bridges, education, water, wastewater, energy, etc.), it will collapse. This is not a socialist notion. It is simply good business practice every good businessman practices.
Personal communication, 02.04.12
Our present political mindset has carried us away from a rational appreciation for the irrefutable relationship between a healthy natural environment and economic wellbeing. It is fundamental that one will not survive without the other.

Conservation and other organizations and hundreds of dedicated citizens of all walks of life from throughout Florida  have joined together to voice their concerns about the way the State’s environment and natural resources are being mistreated.  In 2011 the Governor and Legislature placed our state’s natural heritage in jeopardy.  The Florida Conservation Coalition with your help is dedicated to stopping and reversing this ill-conceived and reckless trend.

Bob Graham
Former Florida Governor and United State Senator
Personal communication,12.23.11

"I apologize to anybody who came to this city (Orlando) to ride the high-speed rail project.  I killed that."
Florida governor Rick Scott
St Petersburg Times, 12.2.11

Adversity brings necessity.  Necessity brings creativity and courage to do things one might never have tried under different circumstances.  And with successful survival during perilous times, which is a certainty knowing the noble character and profound strength of those gone and going, comes the growth of one’s self, a higher confidence and a grand realization that whatever life brings, no matter what, everything’s going to be okay.

The price we will pay for the destruction and loss of this state’s natural identity will far outweigh the benefit of any new jobs Scott may accidentally generate in the next few years.  The loss will be generational, perhaps for all time.
 "I am not against the reorganization, the downsizing, the reduction in tax dollars or the reduction of (SWFWMD) staff, per se.  I am against the shift in understanding of why the districts came to be in the first place.  I am not protective of the institution or the bureaucracy.  I am adamantly against the ignorance of why the districts exist and the diminution of what they have been charged by law to do."

Personal Communication,
October 6, 2011
 “We must build a ‘peace’ …, a peace between the people and their place, between the natural environment and the man made settlement, between the creek and the canal, between the works and the needs of men and women, and the life of mankind itself.”
Former Florida Governor Reuben Askew
September, 1971

"We don't have a steel or auto industry in Florida. Our economy is so intertwined with our natural resources and our environment that if we allow that to be deteriorated, then we're really sacrificing our economic growth."
Bob Graham 

"Alexander, a wealthy citrus and cattle baron, is the most influential member of the Legislature other than the Senate president and House speaker. Many people resent his single-handed control of the budget, but they rarely say so publicly. He has too much power."
Steve Bousquet,
St. Petersburg Times, May 7, 2011,

“It is not an unreasonable expectation based upon this state’s history that if an MFL for the Chassahowitzka will allow a reduction of 11% percent of its current flow, inevitably groundwater pumping will be permitted from the springsheds that will permanently reduce the river to that level.  In other words, the District is setting the stage for groundwater withdrawals that will permanently lower the river’s flow to this level and the projected 15% reduction in habitat will no longer be scientific theory but permanent fact in perpetuity.”

Sandspur, July 2011, Personal Communication 
"We're getting a steady drip of news about actions that Rick Scott and the legislature took earlier this year that were blatantly illegal. Some were rookie errors and some born of pure arrogance and defiance. Seems the transition records for Rick Scott were wiped from the computer in clear violation of state law. Scott team says it was an accident. Scott also quoted as saying it is a good thing that Water Management Bonds that were downgraded earlier in the week. Hard to see how higher rates and weakened environmental and water authorities make any sense to anyone but tea party doctrine."

Tampa Planet, 8.19.11, Tampa Planet []

"The 134 workers laid off from the South Florida Water Management District in the last week will save the district $9 million in salaries but cost more than 1,785 years of experience and institutional knowledge."

"The Governing Board is being reduced to just a group of mannequins talking a lot but not really doing anything because it’s the governor behind the curtain pulling the strings doing the doing.  Tallahassee has concluded, most apparently, that local, respected, hard working citizens can’t be trusted to do it right on their own.  This is a shame, and it’s dangerous."
"This governor wants yes men and yes women. He's not going to make an appointment until he sees someone who won't make waves for him or attack him from the flank."
Edwin Benton, USF Political Science Professor, St. Petersburg Times, 7.15.11 

 "I have never believed that all growth is bad, but I do believe that all future development should be environmentally and economically sustainable. I believe that most Floridians feel the same way."

"Frankly, the basin Boards are not the most efficient way to run a government, but if efficiency was the only acceptable criteria we would not be a Republic operating as a representative democracy theoretically controlled by the will of 140,000,000 registered voters, would we?"

"... the Republican Party may no longer be a normal party.  Over the past few years, it has been infected by a faction that is more of a psychological protest than a practical, governing alternative"

David Brooks, St. petersburg Times, 7.6.11

"It was an earlier generation of Republicans and Democrats working together who tried to save our state. Making Florida better was never about Republican vs. Democrat. Hardly a day passes that I do not hear from anguished, older Florida Republicans who are dismayed at what is happening. They say: This is not what we wanted."
Howard Troxler, St. Pete Times, 6.12.11 

"The drum beat of discontent over the cynical destruction of decades of heartfelt and hard fought laws designed to make and keep Florida a better place to live is rising.  If that destruction isn’t reversed, our grandchildren will look back with disbelief at what we did and ask, what were they thinking?!!"
Florida is at a critical juncture. There is no doubt that this state's quality of life and environment suffered serious setbacks during the 2011 session. It will not be easy to turn the tide but it can be done, as it was in 1985.
Charles Pattison, personal communication, 6.12.11

All I can say at this point is, hitch up your britches and get a good grip on your backside because we're in for rough ride.  There’s just too much smoke billowing from the governor's office not to have some real fire somewhere.
“The view that the administration of the basin boards is an unworthy waste of time and money is the purest of bureaucratic thinking that reflects judgment as poor as I’ve seen in a while.”
Posted by Sandspur at 6/11/2011

"I believe in local government.... It's closer to the people,"
"I think that's what the expectation is, that local citizens are going to rise up and make sure the right things happen,"
Governor Rick Scott, Key Noter,

“ … the more I get into this the more it's apparent the districts are being squeezed into a no win position.  On the one hand, Tallahassee has inundated the districts over the years with unfunded mandates that push the high cost of such programs onto the backs of private property owners.  On the other, the district's ability to fund what they've been mandated to do is being taken away.”

“ Stay tuned, I fear it (Florida) is going to get ugly.”
What's the definition of " Tea Party"?  "... a perplexing number of normal people who have no idea what it's all about but like the sound of "Tea Party" and the idiotic, fraudulent sense of patriotism it brings."
"It cannot be that all that matters is that our side wins at any cost. I refuse to believe anyone could not see the harm in doing that."

June 12, 2011

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